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Industrial Cleanroom

Industrial Cleanroom is referred as I.C.R (Control object is dust particles) such as semiconductors, TFT-LCD, electronic machine, explicit machine, fine coating, optics, printing, etc.

 Ensure product yield rate

Exquisite Craftsmanship, Boutique Converge

Biological Cleanroom referred as B.C.R also known as sterile room (Control object is microorganism)

Such as medical, medicine, food, biological experiment, clean operating room, etc.

·To ensure the stability, safety and effectiveness of medicine quality!

·To ensure the food meets the hygienic quality requirements!

·To avoid the spread of microbial aerosols in biological laboratories!

·To avoid bacterial infection caused by patients during surgery!

GMP Mandatory Standards

Semiconductor Ultra Clean Solutions
With the reduction of the critical line size of the line width of semiconductor chips, from the early micrometre (μm) level to the current nanometer (nm) level, the requirements for cleanliness throughout the chip manufacturing process are getting higher and higher. If the air cleanliness in the production process does not meet the requirements, the product yield will be badly affected. Almost all major sections in the integrated circuit supply chain, from single crystal silicon wafer manufacturing to IC manufacturing and assembly, need to be completed in a cleanroom. The requirements for cleanliness are very high. To maintain the cleanliness of the cleanroom, the semiconductor clean factory usually adopts a vertical unidirectional flow method. It exhausts the indoor polluted air to the outside through the push-out function to achieve the purpose of purifying the indoor air.
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Biological Clean Room & Biological Safety Protection Solutions
In the biopharmaceutical industry, applying various levels of filters produced by MayAir can help protect the environment from particulate matter and microorganism pollution. It also helps to achieve air cleanliness levels that meet GMP standards.   In the biomedical industry, by using various grades of filters produced by the company, the environment is protected from particulate matter and microbial pollution, and the air cleanliness required by GMP regulations is achieved. The company provides micro-environmental ultra-clean solutions for local areas in the clean room, including ultra-thin equipment with a fan filter unit (EFU), which effectively combines the cleanliness control of the large environment with the local high-level small environment. In addition, air purification equipment such as weighing hoods, laminar flow hoods, and BIBO systems produced by the company play an important role in maintaining air cleanliness, improving product yields, and achieving pollution-free emissions during the production process of the pharmaceutical industry.        
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101 Lanxia Road, moling street, Jiangning District, Nanjing, Jiangsu

