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D-Edge 5丨The air "vacuum cleaner" for your home


D-Edge 5丨你家的空氣“吸塵器”

Haze is rampant, decoration pollution is seriously exceeding the standard, and all kinds of particulate matter (PM2.5) that may cause cancer are flooding every family...

Say goodbye to indoor air pollution, MayAir concentrates on creating a home air "vacuum cleaner" D-Edge 5!


  霾橫行,裝修污染嚴重超标,各種可能緻癌的顆粒物(PM2.5)充斥着每個家庭......    告别室内空氣污染,美埃潛心打造一款家的空氣“吸塵器” D-Edge 5!

Smog is rampant, decoration pollution seriously exceeds the standard, and various carcinogenic particulate matter (PM2.5) is flooding every family......

  D-Edge 5 采用的濾網,有效淨化面積、淨化效率較之傳統家用空氣淨化器超出2-3倍。能夠快速去除PM2.5、甲醛、VOCs等有害物質,有效淨化面積可達120㎡。短短3分鐘為您的家庭解決空氣困擾,快到你想不到!

  D-Edge 5 采用的濾網,有效淨化面積、淨化效率較之傳統家用空氣淨化器超出2-3倍。能夠快速去除PM2.5、甲醛、VOCs等有害物質,有效淨化面積可達120㎡。短短3分鐘為您的家庭解決空氣困擾,快到你想不到!

MayAir has devoted themselves to building a home air "vacuum cleaner" D-Edge 5, which make you say goodbye to indoor air pollution!

The effective purification area and purification efficiency of the filter adopted by D-Edge 5 are 2-3 times higher than those of traditional household air purifiers. It can quickly remove harmful substances such as PM2.5, formaldehyde and VOCs, and the effective purification area can reach 120 ㎡. D-Edge5 can solve the air trouble for your family in just 3 minutes, which is more than you can expect!

When the D-Edge 5 works, its power consumption is as low as 28 W. It only needs 1 kwh of power, which can keep you and your family healthy for 36 hours. The machine is made with aerodynamic principles, and every detail of the airflow has been carefully designed to ensure that the wind resistance is reduced on the basis of smooth wind, and the noise is as low as 36.7dB(A).


  D-Edge 5 整機工作,功耗低至28w,隻需1度電即可為你和家人健康續航36小時,運用空氣動力學原理,将氣流經過的每一處細節都精心設計,保證在風力順暢的基礎上減少風阻,噪音低至36.7dB(A)。

  D-Edge 5 整機工作,功耗低至28w,隻需1度電即可為你和家人健康續航36小時,運用空氣動力學原理,将氣流經過的每一處細節都精心設計,保證在風力順暢的基礎上減少風阻,噪音低至36.7dB(A)。


101 Lanxia Road, moling street, Jiangning District, Nanjing, Jiangsu

