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Electrostatic adsorption | Direct and effective purification, sterilization and disinfection technology

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  • Time of issue:2021-03-03 01:47
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(Summary description)The usage of electrostatic filters in the modern-day air-conditioning system was contributed by Sir Oliver Lodge, a British physicist, and Professor Penny from the University of California in the United States. Sir Oliver Lodge created the first electrostatic precipitator at a lead factory in 1885. Meanwhile, Professor Penny transformed the industrial electrostatic precipitator into an indoor electrostatic precipitator back in 1935. Therefore, we can say that the development of electrostatic filters has a history of more than 100 years.

Electrostatic adsorption | Direct and effective purification, sterilization and disinfection technology

(Summary description)The usage of electrostatic filters in the modern-day air-conditioning system was contributed by Sir Oliver Lodge, a British physicist, and Professor Penny from the University of California in the United States. Sir Oliver Lodge created the first electrostatic precipitator at a lead factory in 1885. Meanwhile, Professor Penny transformed the industrial electrostatic precipitator into an indoor electrostatic precipitator back in 1935. Therefore, we can say that the development of electrostatic filters has a history of more than 100 years.

  • Categories:典型應用
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  • Time of issue:2021-03-03 01:47
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Since the British physicist Sir Oliver Ldge built the first electrostatic precipitator in a lead factory in 1885. in 1935, Professor Penny of the University of California in the United States transformed the industrial electrostatic precipitator into a kind of indoor use air purification equipment, and now electrostatic filters are widely used in air conditioning systems in public buildings. So far, the development of electrostatic filters has a history of more than 100 years.

Most people may think that the electrostatic filter is only effective for filtering particulates, but it is not clear whether it can be sterilized. Today, combined with MayAir electrostatic filter to answer related questions.

01 Can electrostatic filters be sterilized?

Answer: Yes. As early as in 1967, Sale A J H. [1] found that high-voltage pulsed electric fields have a sterilization effect, and domestic Chen Jian [2] also published related research on high-voltage pulse discharge sterilization in 1998. Therefore, the electrostatic filter, which also has the characteristics of high-voltage discharge, has a significant effect on killing bacteria.




02 Can electrostatic filters kill viruses?

Answer: Yes. Zhu Yimin and Kong Xiangpeng of Dalian Maritime University [3] published related research papers funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2005, which showed that the parainfluenza virus (PIV) can be killed at one time when passing through the discharge corona area, the virus can be killed at one time.

03 What is the principle that electrostatic filters can sterilize and kill viruses?

Answer: On the one hand, high-voltage discharge will produce a large number of high-energy particles, ultraviolet light, and free radicals, which can break the cell walls of bacteria, destroy the accounting materials of viruses, and cause the death of bacteria and viruses. On the other hand, bacteria and viruses do not exist alone, generally attached to particles or aerosols, while electrostatic filters can adsorb most of the particles or aerosols on the plate, and bacteria and viruses are also adsorbed on the plate. Above, there is a high-intensity electric field on the plate, which makes bacteria and viruses gradually lose their activity and die.




04 Does the country have relevant standards or regulations recognized?

Answer: As early as 2002, when the Ministry of Health published the "Disinfection Technical Specification" (2002 Edition), electrostatic adsorption was one of the regulations for the disinfection factor used in the hospital's air disinfection machine.

05 Does electrostatic filter produce ozone?

Answer: Yes, but it can be controlled. High-voltage discharge will definitely produce ozone, but MayAir through years of research and development and improvement, coupled with the use of advanced processing and assembly technology, can control the amount of ozone produced in 0.002-0.003mg/m3, far lower than the national requirement of 0.1mg/ m3. Do not worry about the trace amount of ozone, it is a strong oxidant, which can kill bacteria and viruses, which has been confirmed by the National P3 Laboratory [4].

06 Are there any safety hazards in the use of electrostatic filters?

Answer: The electrostatic filter technology is very mature and widely used. MayAir electrostatic filter has passed CE, UL, ROSH and other safety certifications, and has complete safety protection measures to ensure safety use.




07 What are the mainstream common sterilization technologies? What are the advantages of MayAir technology?




Answer: MayAir is currently the only manufacturer in the industry that has multiple sterilization and disinfection technologies and large-scale production. It is combined with different technical characteristics to meet the requirements of higher energy efficiency and sustainable development.

08 What advantages does MayAir have in terms of R&D, processing and assembly, quality control, and production capacity?

Answer: MayAir has built test benches and experimental cabins that comply with ISO and GB standards. It has high-precision processing equipment and testing instruments. A strict quality control system has been established. The monthly production capacity reaches 10,000 units.




09 How about MayAir's service network?

Answer: MayAir has 23 branches and offices across the country, which can serve customers across the country.

10 What well-known job reference does MayAir have?

Answer: MayAir job reference are all over the country. From the tallest building in Beijing-China Zun, to China's largest convention and exhibition center-the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai); from the representative project of Hong Kong-funded capital-Plaza 66, to the representative of state-owned enterprises-the office building of the State Grid, to the representative project of foreign capital- —The headquarters of Yum! Group, to the national enterprise—Huawei’s 90% R&D base in the country; from the world miracle—Beijing Daxing Airport, to the subway system all over the country.


1、Sale A J H, Hamilton W A. Effects of high electric fields on microorganisms : I. Killing of bacteria and yeasts[J]. BBA - General Subjects, 1967, 148(3):781-788.

2. Chen Jian. High-intensity pulsed electric field sterilization technology for liquid food[J]. Cold Drinks and Frozen Food Industry, 1998(1):20-21.

3. Zhu Yimin, Kong Xiangpeng, Zhang Zhuoran, Zhang Manxia, ​​Zheng Conglong. Research on the inactivation of parainfluenza virus by needle array-to-plate corona discharge. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, 2005, 25(z1).

4. The National P3 Laboratory proved for the first time that ozone can kill the SARS virus. People's Daily Online, http://www.people.com.cn/GB/keji/1059/2171424.html


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